What Iā€™ve Learned After 6 Months Of Blogging (Detailed Statistics)

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Hey readers! Tomorrow marks my 6th month blogging and in this article, Iā€™ll be sharing what Iā€™ve learned after 6 months of blogging with you as we take a look at some metrics that determine the success of a blog and comparing it with my goals ever since Iā€™ve started.

Iā€™ll also be sharing about the things Iā€™ve learned in this 6 months of blogging and the things Iā€™ll be doing in order to take this blog to the next level. So this acts like a reflection for me or a ā€œmilestoneā€ check and Iā€™ll probably do the next one once I hit the 1 year mark.

1) Views

Metrics after 6 months of blogging
All time views after 6 months

Starting things off with one of or if not the most important metric, views.

My all time views for the past 6 months is 1,647 with the best day having 124 views. This means that on average, I receive about 275 readers a month which is not bad I guess!

When I started my blog, my goal was to have 1,000 visitors to my blog and I have 538 visitors for the past 6 months and thatā€™s approximately 90 visitors per month. Still a long way to go and Iā€™m now at the 40th posts after publishing this article.

40 posts for the past 6 months which brings down to roughly 7 posts per month and my goal was to publish 12 articles a month. So not quite hitting the goal yet but thatā€™s alright.

Best views in March after 6 months of blogging
Views in March

My best views of the month was in March and it was also the month with the most comments.

Zooming in to March, the best performing articles was ā€œThe 10 Best Productivity Apps For Studentsā€ which had 134 views followed by ā€œAudiobooks Vs Books Are They The Same?ā€.

Most of my traffic came from Facebook in March and followed by Twitter where Iā€™ll share it on these platforms whenever I upload a new article.

The next interesting metric is the countries these readers are from and unsurprisingly, most of them were from my hometown, Singapore. India was next in the list and followed by China. Not really surprising too I guess being the 2 most populous countries in the world.

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2) Amount Of Words And Most Popular Time

The most popular time and day for my blog is 11am on Wednesdays and I have no idea why too. Any readers care to enlighten me and the rest of the readers?

And in the year of 2020 which was back in December when I started my blog, Iā€™ve written a total of 5,353 words for that month with an average of 1,071 words per post.

In 2021 so far, Iā€™ve written a total of 35,400 words with an average of 1,042 words per post. Statistics show that an average adult book consists of 90,000 words and teenager books with an average of 55,000 words. Still far off finishing a book but much closer to a teen one.

My 2 longest articles are The 10 Best Productivity Apps For Students which was also the best performing one back in March and The Best Side-Hustles In 2021: Stay Home Pandemic Proof with 1,527 (7 minute read) and 1,664 words (7 minute read) respectively.

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3) Posting Activity

Posting activity of my blog during the past 6 months
My Posting Activity

My posting activity for the past 6 months (not including December) showed that I was fairly consistent from January to March and with the help of 2 writers, the blog managed 9 articles in January, 6 articles in February and 9 articles in March.

From April onwards, it slowed down due to my working shift while serving my National Service and one of my writers stopped writing due to her school obligations. I am looking to increase the output for my blog so if you are interested in writing about the topics in this blog, feel free to leave a comment in the bottom! (beginners are welcomed! I will guide you on using WordPress and the basics of SEO)

If you are interested in writing but feel unprepared, you should take a look at the article below in the related reads!

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What Have I Learned?

So what have I learned after 6 months of blogging?

Iā€™ve learned that blogging requires serious commitment, not just in blogging or writing itself, but also the effort to learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) which helps your blog to rank on the front page of Google base on the keywords Iā€™ve targeted.

To put things into perspective, here are some of the keywords I am currently ranking for, although not in a very good position.

I may not deliberately want to rank for those keywords but most of them are the things that I would like to talk about and also has decent amount of searches.

This makes me rethink about my strategy in targeting keywords and perhaps I should target something less competitive which can help me rank higher with a trade off of lesser searches.

Some other less technical things Iā€™ve learned in this 6 months is the humility to show your work. In order to be a successful blogger or build a successful business, we all have to accept that we will never be perfect from the start and we all have to document our journey and show our progress and work which may help someone out in this world.

This documentation process, especially for a blogger, helps directly in my ability to write. And the better I write equates to more information and work being shared.

The idea of sharing your work not only helps you to help others, but also provides you with unforeseen opportunities by putting yourself out there. So while I improve in my writing/blogging, I may also be benefitting someone out there, a win-win situation.

Iā€™ve overcame my fear of showing my work with the book ā€œShow Your Workā€ by Austin Kleon which Iā€™ll be linking down below.

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So What Now?

Itā€™s really interesting to see all these data and numbers provided by WordPress and this gave me a rough evaluation on where Iā€™m at and the things Iā€™ve learned after 6 months of blogging.

Moving forward, Iā€™ll try not to dwell on the numbers too much but perhaps set a rough goal of doubling them. Iā€™d better off be focusing on improving myself and increase the output of quality content in my blog. I believe if I put more quality work out in the world, good things will come eventually.

I also aim to have some ads on my blog soon and I promise to try my best to not affect the browsing and reading experience of my website.

Aside from more writing, Iā€™ll probably look into building relationships with other bloggers or Youtubers who are writing and talking about similar topics so that we can work together to produce even better content.

Lastly, for aspiring bloggers and writers out there, do not be afraid to start! If youā€™d like, you can come join me to write articles for this blog and use it as a stepping stone to achieve your blogging-to-financial-independence goal and Iā€™ll be down to guide and work with you.

Cheers to 6 months and 40th post!